| Awesome Custom Bot | Awesome Custom Bot bot

Goal : make a bot for

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Installation instructions

If you are on chrome, download the TamperMonkey extension.

On other browsers, use the GreaseMonkey extension.

Once installed, click on this, and choose Install.

Go to, and enjoy !


T Bot enabled/disabled
U Log debugging
Y Visual debugging
I Automatic Respawning
O Mobile rendering
Mouse wheel Zoom in/out


Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.


Ermiya Eskandary & Théophile Cailliau (ErmiyaEskandary & FliiFe)

Started as a collaborative and fun project between me and FliiFe on 2016/04/20, with this : bot could be cool

Install Now

Enjoy slithering!


How to install user scrips in Google Chrome

Step 1: Open Tampermonkey extension and install it. Once you have installed the extension, you should see a Tampermonkey icon button at the top right hand side corner near the Menu button.

Step 2: Go to Download Now button open it and hit the install button on the top right hand corner.

Step 3: The Tampermonkey extension should be taking over and ask if you really wanted to install the script. Hit the OK button and OK button again to confirm the script installation.

Step 4: Done! Refresh the page if you want immediate effect from the script which you have just installed. If you wish to edit the script which you have installed. Click on the Tampermonkey icon button, go to Dashboard. Now you can see the list of user scripts which you have installed. You can select any one of them and start modify it anytime. Remember to save after done modification.

How to uninstall user scrips in Google Chrome

Step 1: Open the Tampermonkey Dashboard by clicking on the Tampermonkey icon button on the menu bar, then select Dashboard.

Step 2: You should see a list of user scripts which you have installed. Search for the user script you want to delete and click on the delete button.

Step 3: Confirm the delete by click on the OK button and you should see the user script is no longer on the Dashboard.